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CLUBS 2024/2025


Board Game/D&D Club meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month from 2:30–3:30 p.m. in Room 26.

Book Club meets Thursdays at lunch from 12:01–12:31 p.m. in Room 17.

Cards for Kindness Club meets Thursdays from 2:30–3:30 p.m. in Room 46.

Garden Club meets Fridays at lunch from 12:01–12:31 p.m. in the garden area.

Hope Club meets Mondays at lunch from 12:01–12:31 p.m. in the library.

Running Club meets on selected Thursdays between January 9, 2025 and March 20, 2025 from 2:40–3:50 p.m., except on rainy days.


BOARD GAME CLUB: Feeling “Board”? Come join the board game club! Club Advisor Ms. Crawley room 26. Board Games, Card Games, Chess & Strategy Games, Escape Room Style Games, Dungeons & Dragons after school from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm on the Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month. This club will help build teamwork skills, logic/strategy skills, & fun, of course. The first meeting will be on September 10th. For more info join the Google Classroom w2k7j4m

HOPE CLUB: Hope Club is in the library on Monday during lunch.

  • Hope Club is a place where you can become part of a community and make friends with other students who want to share the positive message of HOPE with others and explore questions you may have about faith and God.
  • We will meet every Monday during lunch in the library.  You can grab your lunch first, then head to the library to eat your lunch with us.
  • Everyone is welcome to join, so bring a friend and check it out this Monday, October 21.


  •  The Running Club will meet on the following Thursdays from 2:40-3:50 unless otherwise announced.
  • On rainy days, the Running Club will be canceled.
January 9th
January 16th (Tentative)
January 23rd
January 30th
February 6th
February 13th
February 20th
February 27th
March 6th
March 8th 5K Lemon Zest Run (Optional)
March 13th
March 20th -This will be our final run. We will run to Yogiyo and enjoy some delicious frozen yogurt. In order to participate in our yogurt run, you must have been an active participant in the club and have run at least 10 miles.
  • FYI - Running Club will not meet on rainy days!
Running Club Awards
Awards will be earned by completing mile goals with the club. The following are the mile goals and awards:
  • 10 miles = Participation Award. Will be able to be recognized as a running club member and can participate in the yogurt run on March 31st. .
  • 15 miles = Third place. Will receive a third place ribbon.
  • 20 miles = Second place. Will receive second place ribbon.
  • 25 miles = First place. Will receive the first place 49er ribbon.
  • The boy and girl with the top mileage will get a special recognition.